What I Want You To Know This Week:

If you are anything like me you know how easy it is to get distracted from work. I’m the type to have 20+ tabs on my internet browser open, easily checking out a song that a friend sent, my twitter feed, or falling into a dark hole on the internet all while I’m supposed to be doing something else.

There is a very efficient and beautiful tool that helped me out with this problem and if you use google chrome as your browser you should check it out.

“Momentum” greets you with a new beautiful image every day and asks what you want to focus on for the next 24 hours. You can change it whenever so that when you open up a new tab you are automatically reminded about the task at hand.

There is always a motivational quote at the bottom for that extra boost too, let’s goooo!

Get Momentum

Where I’m At This Week:

New York, NY/Los Angeles, CA

What I’m Listening To This Week:

Shakka — Say Nada (Video)

What I’m Reading This Week:

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia (damn good book, just finished this)

What I’m Working On This Week:

I got back to LA earlier this week after a 24 hour trip to NYC for the final COLORS NYC and set up shop in the new office space in Playa Vista.

This week I’ve been doing some stuff focused on one of my clients Chanel West Coast as we gear up for the release of her new mixtape. My business partner Benoni and I manage her digital video/marketing so and we have a few cool things in the works.

This week we also had our first COLORS photoshoot and it was awesome. We got my friend Stacey Hash to model the pieces and she’s a natural so the photos look amazing. Our intern Dyana did a great job on the shoot as well. She’s very intuitive and that’s a huge plus when putting together a stellar staff.

What I’m Thinking About This Week:

I went on a Twitter rant about networking recently. I really don’t like to use the word “networking” nowadays because people have the concept all wrong. The mentality in 2015 for most people looking to network is; “I’m trying to get the opportunity of a lifetime from you, now give it to me!”.

Here is the secret to networking…

The people with the largest and most powerful networks are the ones that share valuable opportunities with others. If you can make other people’s lives better (socially, monetarily, emotionally, etc) you will always have a strong network of great people in your life.

If you’re currently thinking of networking from a “What can I receive?” mind state, I challenge you to start taking the “What can I offer” approach and see what happens.


Behind the scenes video of our COLORS photo shoot — (Instagram — @MyColorsParty)
Great video on becoming an overnight success — (YouTube — Gary Vaynerchuck)
Pure fire — (Instagram — @DylanRaasch)